Before Kids

Here are some of the things that my mommy and daddy did with Graham's mommy and daddy before we came along. I told you I'd show you, but I'm warning you-it's not very interesting. We have a lot of other pictures of things that they did, but Mommy & Daddy didn't have a digital camera then, so I can't blog them. (That was a LONG time ago!) Here are some pictures of them on a big boat together. Life is much more fun for the mommies and daddies now!

Sitting still...boring...

Our daddies should be wearing backpacks with little boys in them.

Our mommies are trying to stay warm because it's cold and windy. If they were holding or chasing Graham and me, they wouldn't be worrying about staying warm!

Here they are, all dressed up for a fancy meal. I bet they didn't get anything wiped on their clothes, and I bet they had to sit down for a long, long time to eat. I'm sure they think meals are much more fun now! I'm so glad they had Graham and me so that we could all be together!

1 comment:

Jo said...

You are right-our parents must have been so bored before we came along. It's a good thing they have us to add a little spice into their lives. It did look like they had a little fun together before us, but we add so much more excitement.

By the way, I don't like poising for cute fall pumpkin pictures either. Cool pumpkins!
