A Year of Blogging

You might not realize it, but I've had my blog for over a year now! Yup, yesterday was my one-year blogging anniversary. Daddy had the idea and started it for me, and Mommy took over and has been helping me ever since. If you want to see my very first post, you can click here. (I didn't remember my head being quite so bare when I was little...how embarrassing!)

A Dog to Love

Now, here's a dog I can LOVE! Ooohhh, I love him so much.

Ooohh, love for the dog...

Look, he has a nose, and eyes...

I love this dog! Mommy loves him, too. In fact, this dog is her favorite dog in the whole world. He's cute, and he doesn't bark, shed, drool, or-well, you get the idea. Mommy loves this dog, and Daddy and I do, too.

Dogs and Trucks

We just had a very exciting morning! We went to visit some dogs and trucks that live at our friends' house. There were four little baby dogs, two big dogs, and two trucks. We had so much fun! I loved visiting the dogs, but I kept getting distracted by my walking ability and running away to look at the trucks. Mommy and Daddy even let me get a little dirty. It was great! Here are some pictures of all the fun we had together. Thanks, Mr. Dane and Mrs. Amber, for sharing your dogs and trucks with me!

Background on Ira

This post is from my mommy-she wants to tell you some things about Ira. The next one will be from me! -Jonathan

Lots of you have been asking about Ira, how old he is, how we know him, etc. He was born April 21, 2005, and we don't know him, but he is on our hearts. Ira's grandparents have been important in the lives of our good friends, Jay and Caroline (Emma Claire's parents.) If you want to know more about Ira's story, you can click here to read the December 2004 posts when Ira's parents found out about the problems he would have-right around Jonathan's birthday. Click here to read about what went on around the time of Ira's birth last April. And, if you want to help him, you can also send a donation and pray, pray, pray. I can only imagine what his parents are going through.

OK, the next post will be from Jonathan and be much more fun! -Jonathan's mommy

The Squinting Game

The rules of the game are that you have to play the game with your mom instead of eating your dinner. Here's how you do it:

1. Squint so that you can barely see
2. Get Mommy to make the same squinty face
3. Laugh hysterically

It's a great game to play at dinner time!

Bear Hugs

The Many Faces of Jonathan

Camera-grabbing face

Walking face
Thanks, Caleb, for lending me your overalls until you need them! Mommy says we won't like to share clothes when we get older. I'm not sure why.

Whining face
I use this to show Mommy that I'm dissatisfied with life. Mommy doesn't get very worried when I whine. My whining face is not working as well as it should.

Cold floor face
One of my favorite things is to lay on the floor on the kitchen and feel the cold floor on my face. When I warm up that spot, I turn over for more...

Cold floor face that you can't see!

Blissful sleep face

Pray for Ira

If you've been following Ira's story, you should check Ira's blog today. His Mommy and Daddy have not been able to hold him in almost two months, and the doctors have been making him sleep that whole time, too. I hope you'll read about him and pray for him today!


I can walk anywhere I want!

Yup, anywhere I want.

Sticking my tummy out helps me to balance better. Mommy thinks it's cute, too.

When I fall down, I can stand myself up again.

Daddy still likes to play with me even though I'm a toddler now and not a baby. I'm so glad!

The Biggest Snow Ever!

Last night while I was sleeping, something amazing happened. Lots of snow fell down everywhere!

Daddy is holding me in the snow at our house. Yahoo!

Here's what our street looks like covered with snow.

Daddy, this snow may only be up to your ankles, but it's almost up to my knees!

What do I do now?

We've had enough of the cold...time to go inside.

The News of a Lifetime

You probably guessed from the title what I'm about to tell you next. I started walking today! My record for the day was thirteen steps in a row! Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it, since I had only taken two steps in a row before today. I'll try to pose for a walking picture soon so that you can see me. I think the hardest thing about walking is remembering that I can do it. Sometimes in the middle of my steps, I start to squat down to crawl because that's what I normally do in the middle of the floor. But then I remember-I don't have to crawl! So, I stand back up and keep walking. Yahoo, there's no turning back now!

In other news that's not so exciting, I added a couple of words to my vocabulary today. One was "more," a very important word that I say pretty clearly, and the other one was "ta," which means "pasta," of course. You might notice that most of my words are so similar-"dah" for "dog," "tuh" for "truck," and "ta" for "pasta." You might also wonder how Mommy and Daddy know what I'm saying. Well, the answer is that I have very smart parents. They are finally learning to speak Baby!

Dogs and Beans

I have a new word today: "Dog!" When Mommy and I went for our walk, we met a dog named Autumn. She was very sweet and sniffy, and I loved her, so I thought I'd say "dog" to her over and over. I wanted to take her home, but Mommy said, "We don't have a fence." I could have kept her in my room!

I also discovered that I love green beans. They are a great finger food. Emma Claire has liked them for a long time, but I never realized how wonderful they were until today. I guess life is full of surprises!

My Crawling Tube

Here are some pictures of me crawling in my tube before I went to bed last night. I like to go back and forth, in and out of my tube. I also like to stand outside of it and scratch my hand on the side. It makes a great swishing noise!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is a special day for showing love. Last year on Valentine's Day, Mommy and Daddy and I went to the grand opening of Quizno's. You might not think that it was very Valentiney, but I enjoyed it-even though they didn't give me a sandwich. This year, Mommy and Daddy are not including me in their plans. Daddy is going to make dinner for Mommy, and I'm not invited. I don't know why not. I know all about love! Maybe I will send some Valentine's love to some trucks, because that's what I love...TRUCKS! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Sunday Adventures

Here is one of my blocks from Uncle Todd and Aunt Corinne. The blocks make different sounds when I shake them, and I like to take turns shaking each one.

Hold everything. I hear a dog barking!

I am not kidding. There is a dog out there, and I hear him barking again!

Now it's time to help Mommy with the laundry. I need to pull everything out of my hamper.

I have to pull out all the books before I can decide which one I want to read.


There are pieces of snow falling from the sky this very moment! Daddy and I went outside to watch them fly around.

Snow is funny stuff.

14-Month Surprise

Here I am, driving my little trike. If you wonder about the look on my face, it's what I have to do to make the "Bbbbb" sound for driving. If you wonder about my new jumpsuit, that story is a little longer...

Yesterday, Mommy and I went with Emma Claire and her mommy to a consignment sale. That's where you buy stuff that other kids already wore and played with. Mommy bought me a great navy blue jumpsuit with a dog on it, size 18 mos. I love it! But today, after she washed it and put it on me, it was too short to stay snapped. (Mommy says, "You have a long torso." OK, Mommy.) So, she took me out of that and put me in this jumpsuit, size 24 mos. Mommy thought this outfit would be for next winter. I don't think I'm going to be this size next winter, do you? I think I'm doing a good job of keeping Mommy and Daddy guessing.

So Big!

Mommy and Daddy say it all the time: "He's getting so big!" They're right...I'll show you what they mean.

I can close the doors to the TV all by myself.

I can walk with Daddy holding just one hand.

I can climb onto my chair and sit myself down whenever I want to.

Yahoo, I like getting big!

More Visiting Adventures

Here are the rest of the pictures I have to show you from our visit with Grandma, Grandpa, Lou, and Lionel. There are more, but I'm much more into playing than posting!

Here I am with Grandpa and my new truck that he gave me. It's friends with the big, yellow truck from Uncle Todd.

I can sit on my bench from Lou and Lionel. It has animals on the back! There's room here for my little buddies, too.

This is my Big Truck book from Grandpa. I think I get the most excited about this gift. Mommy says, "That's my son-he loves his books!"

Here is everybody who spent the weekend together: Grandpa, Grandma, Lou, Lionel, me, Mommy, and Daddy.