Guy Things

Happy birthday today to my buddy, Isaac! I'm sorry I can't be there to help you play with your cake!

Mommy wasn't feeling well today because I gave her my cold. So, Daddy and I left her alone and went out to do guy things. (I don't know why she wanted to be alone, do you? I think that being around Daddy and me would make her feel better.) We went to the barber, and we went to the park, and we went to the coffee shop. Getting a haircut was terrible for me, and going to the coffee shop was okay except that I couldn't have any. But, going to the park with Daddy was great. We went on the slides, and we went on the swings, and we saw my neighbor and buddy Delaney. We all had a great time! By the way, how do you like my new haircut?


Pushing these buttons is getting easier every day!

I still love trees today...and they still make that wonderful little splatting sound when they hit the floor.

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