The Eye Doctor

You might remember that my last two doctor visits have included some concerns about a lazy eye. Well, today I finally had my appointment with the ophthalmologist. It wasn't all bad, but I did shed lots of tears when the doctor put drips in my eyes. I got really scared a couple of times, and the doctor was not very patient. But, it's over now and I'm OK.

We found out that I don't have a lazy eye, but I do have astigmatism in both eyes. My left eye can't see or focus very well, so it wanders sometimes. That made the doctors suspect a lazy eye. The eye doctor says that the vision in my left eye is not developing properly, and I need to start wearing glasses.

After the traumatic eye doctor visit, we went to try on some glasses just for kids. A nice lady helped me figure out the ones that fit the best. Next week, I'll have glasses of my very own, and the doctor thinks I'll like to wear them because I'll be able to see so much better. As far as I'm concerned, this is just one more chance to be like Uncle Todd, who also has glasses. He got them when he was a little boy, too.

I guess I'm all done fooling Mommy and Daddy into thinking that my eyes are working perfectly. I learned my colors and shapes and some letters, and I had them pretty fooled. Maybe learning will be easier once I have glasses!

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Oh--you look so cute! My Mommy loves glasses, and she thinks it's fun you have them. Mommy thinks kids in glasses are extra cute. Hum...maybe I need some glasses so my Mommy will think I'm extra cute like you!

Love, Jamey