Happy Birthday, Spike!

Remember when Mommy had six friends who were going to have babies in one month? Well, that was one year ago, and the last of my little buddies who were born, Spike, just had his birthday. Here are some pictures of his party.

Here are Spike and his daddy and mommy. They went to college with my mommy. They are really proud of Spike for turning one!

Here are three of my little buddies posing for a picture without me: Jamey, Spike, and Ava. Mommy says that everyone was so impressed that Spike kept his birthday hat on.

Jamey pushed Spike's chair...

...Ava rode Spike's horse...

...and Spike made friends with the dog I sent to him.

Here is Mommy with Ava. I think Mommy and I both have a little crush on Ava.

Happy Birthday, Spike! I'm sorry I missed your party!

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