Tricycling Adventures

Here are our tricyling pictures. There were too many fun ones to narrow them down any more than this! If you want to see a picture larger, just click on it. Ella and I had a lot of fun together! What made Mommy laugh the most was at goodbye time. Ella wanted to do a hug and a kiss, so I said, "May I please not do a kiss." Later I decided I had a kiss for Ella after all, but I never did get around to giving it to her. I hope we go tricycling together again soon! (And not just so I can give her that kiss.)

(Note from Mommy:  No, we're not really wearing shorts all the time just yet...all Jonathan's pants were in the laundry, so we had to pull out some shorts.  :)  )

1 comment:

The VM Family said...

Whew! You must have spent your whole day uploading pictures! :) Thanks for sharing these. It was so fun to watch the kids play together on this day. Let's do it again soon!

Love, Jen