Search Kindly

All through May, you can use your computer time to share donations with Compassion International, but it won't cost you a thing! Here's what you can do!

  1. Use Search Kindly as your search engine.
  2. Buy Kindly! Make your, eBay, iTunes, Target and Wal-Mart purchases through the Search Kindly homepage. This generates LOTS of revenue because sales are even better than eyeballs.
  3. Tell your friends and family about this, and ask them to to tell their friends and family.
  4. Make your homepage. That’s worth about $3 a month because of your repeat visits.
  5. Add the Search Kindly banner to your blog or personal web page .
For details, click here to read the post at Compassion's blog. And, we'll put Search Kindly on our blog to help out, just to make it easier. (The polls will still be there...don't forget to vote, and thanks to those of you who have already voted!)

1 comment:

Compassion International said...


Thanks for helping spread the word.

Chris Giovagnoni

P.S. I vote for Life with Jonathan