Pictures from Mr. Mike

More pictures, as promised!

Here are Daddy and Mr. Mike recovering after the marathon

Mommy and Daddy celebrate after it's over.  Sorry they are kind of squinty.

The grownups seem to think this is a funny picture, but I don't see anything funny about it at all.


The VM Family said...

Check out your new blog! It's lookin' good. Thanks for giving us a vote in what its new title will be. (My parents said they are going to vote multiple times to ensure they get their fave!)

We're officially hooked on your "Rocks In My Dryer" blog now too...

Love, Ella

Jo said...

Hey, buddy! Tell your daddy we said congratulations! Looks like you had a lot of fun on the trip, too. I miss you!

P.S. My mommy uses cookbooks that were made for her and given as wedding presents too. She likes to make them for friends now.