22 Weeks: the Belly (from Mommy)

We had our "big" 22-week ultrasound yesterday!  We were so thankful and excited to get to this point.  For me personally, it was amazing to be feeling big kicks and punches inside and to see them on the screen at the same time.  We didn't get any video.  With Jonathan, we got a recording of the ultrasound, but that was not an option here.  It was still really exciting.  We are so thankful that the baby looks healthy so far.

These are not super clear, as they are pictures of pictures.  Jen commented last time that she has a scanner...I'll be asking to take her up on that at some point!  Anyway, enjoy these pictures for the time being.

Baby's profile

Baby's face

One of the feet (When the midwife saw this picture, I believe her comment was something to the effect of, "Look at the size of that foot!"  No surprise to the bigfoots around here!)

Fist and arm (can you see the fist on the left and the elbow on the right?  Baby has been making good use of his/her fists lately!)


As you know, we're not finding out the gender.  The ultrasound tech told us that she could tell what the baby was, but we don't know...we're just happy to have a baby!  Jonathan is sure it's a boy.  We shall see.  We have two names chosen, but we reserve the right to change our minds.  At this point, a girl will be Grace Evelyn, and a boy will be Benjamin...with the middle name(s) of Isaac and/or Jeffrey.  We can't seem to narrow down those two, so we may end up with a Benjamin Isaac Jeffrey (as Jonathan will tell you.)  Or if it's a girl, it won't be an issue.  I really don't have a "gut feeling" as to the baby's gender, but we're excited about the surprise!

The baby looks healthy, and the midwife seems to think that it's a big one.  (No surprise to either of our families.  I guess an average-size baby would be a surprise...we'll be thankful for whatever size we get!)  

And, because I've been asked...especially by Amanda B...here's the belly.

Thanks so much to Jen and Jo who have so graciously shared their wonderful maternity clothes with me.  Dear friends with beautiful clothes...how great is that!!!  Thanks also to Cherissa who picked out some things for me to wear for an upcoming special occasion.  Everyone is so supportive in their own special way, and it means so much.

I finally posted some thoughts on our adoption blog about this turn that our lives have taken.  Feel free to read it, but be warned, it's super long...even longer than this post!

Thank you again to our dear friends and family, near and far, who have been so wonderful to us during this experience!


The VM Family said...

We should have scanned them while you were here yesterday-- RICHT AFTER THEY WERE TAKEN! Why didn't I think of it?

Allison Bellomy said...

I think it's fun that neither one of us will be finding out! :) we will both have exciting news in March. At least you have names...I have a lot of maybes (Benjamin is one of them). I actually just read your other blog and I appreciate all you wrote. I am excited about your current mircale and the ones to maybe come in your future through adoption. God is so good! praying for you and your family.

Jen said...

Hi Amy, thanks for sending me this link!!

I love your name choices. I really like Isaac as the middle name; it's my nephew's name! I forget exactly what it means (I think it's "he laughs") but I love that too. My parents always wished that they had given my sister 2 middle names looking back, so you could totally do that!!

Ava said...

Yeah for sweet baby!! You look super cute with your preggo belly!
Can't wait to find out if I am buying pink or blue...time will tell!
Love, jka

The Frugal Muse said...
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Jo said...

So glad to hear the ultrasound shows a healthy baby in your tummy! You are looking so cute!! I love the names you guys have picked out. We are sooooo excited for you.
love you,jo

Caleb and Owen said...

Thanks for the belly shot! You look great. Keep them coming. Buy the way the ultrasound pictures came out great. What awesome images you got. I agree...those feet look big :-)