Cute and Not-So-Cute

This summer, I'm having a first: some of my clothes from the previous summer fit me (but not all of them.) Here's an outfit from the previous summer from family friends, Lou & Lionel. They're Daddy's honorary aunt and uncle. Thanks, Lou & Lionel!

You might notice the unhappy look on my face. That's because I know that Mommy and Daddy are going to go to church and leave me in Sunday school. Usually, I love going to Sunday school. But lately, I'm really nervous if Mommy and Daddy are not right next to me. Mommy calls it separation anxiety. Whatever, Mommy, I just want to be with you all the time. Hold my hand on the stairs, let me follow you around, and definitely don't leave me at Sunday school!

1 comment:

krista friesen said...

Jonathan, you sure do look like your mommy-in a very boy-ish way!
From Krista