(Jonathan's note: My mom keeps taking over my blog. Perhaps she needs to get her own?)

Are these little pants cute, or what?? I just had to share the idea from Green Kitchen (found on GoodyBlog.) The author uses an adult sweater's arms to make kids' pants. I think this would probably work for any size, baby on up. All you need is the right sweater, which I'm guessing you could find at Goodwill if it's not already in your closet. You can see the tutorial here.
When I saw this idea, I immediately thought of both my mom and my friend, Dorothy. I think this idea would appeal to them. My mom and I have been preparing to open an Etsy shop (although we haven't actually opened it yet!) and these pants would work there, too. If anyone tries this, I hope you'll share what you think!
Fantastic!!! Definitely a keeper idea for Etsy. We WILL open our store - positive new habits will win out over procrastination and broken bones.
These pants are such a great idea. They look warm and cozy for winter. I'm really paranoid about Liam being too cold since our hard wood floors remain frigid, even though we keep the house plenty warm. I'll make him a pair of these to ease my worries and warm his legs... I'll try to sell some on Etsy, too. Thanks for the tip.
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